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Getting Ready for CFE May 2025 – Weekly Review

February 1st, 2025 – Week 1:

I have decided to start my study journey while doing capstone one for two reasons:

  1. I can not sit and study for 7 hours straight. I need to take breaks, and I am trying to develop long lasting skills. My study style is more of a 3-4 hours per day approach.
  2. I will be working full time the whole time. I am not taking 1-2 months break from work so I can study during the exam.

So far, I have put 12-15 hours towards my CFE prep. My original plan was doing the technical review from the portal, going over the diagnosis assignment, and seeing where I was standing. So far, I have completed about 500+ MCQs with absolutely NO IDEA where I am. By all means, I will step back, re-analysis this plan and come up with a different one.

February 9th, 2025 – Week 2:

Week two was hectic. Between completing part 1 of the Capstone 1 report and month-end at work, I was not able to make much time for study for CFE. At least, not as much time as I wanted. But I also understand that working on Capstone 1 submission is prepping for CFE.

I do know however, what I want my study approach to be. Since the MCQs did not work well for me, I have decided to re-do the cases and integrated programs. I will re-do majority of them from Core 1 to my last elective. They are all supposed to train you for CFE, and it will be, what I think, an effective way to review and refresh the knowledge I know I already have.

I am also trying to complete the updates for this blog. I want to share with you guys my complete process, which includes electives and how I handled my practical experience requirement.

February 15th, 2025 – Week 3:

I am going to dare to say that week three was more productive than week two. I put less hours towards studying and felt I did more. This week, I assessed my approach of re-writing cases from Core 1 to my last elective. I feel I have made good progress in terms of brushing off my knowledge. Hence, that is the approach I am going to continue to use for the following weeks. Or at least until I reach the first week of Capstone 2.

I have also decided to take time off work; I realized that I might be too overwhelmed if I continue to work full time and prep for CFE at the same time. Hence, I sent a proposal to my employer using my vacation days (thanks good I carried some from 2024 into 2025). Ff things get approved, I will only work Tuesdays to Thursdays. This will allow me to study full time from Fridays to Mondays for ~7 weeks.

I planed the rest of Capstone 1. The plan includes 15-20 hours of study per week. I am factoring the deliverables and refreshment activities to warm up for Capstone 2.

My calendar for Capstone 2, so far, is looking at 32-35 hours per week dedicated to studying. The Capstone 2 deliverables and following the calendar guide proposed by CPA, with some additional spots in case I need to put more work to level up my competencies, I know I am weak on taxes, so that is one thing I will for sure be factoring in Capstone 2.

February 22nd, 2025 – Week 4:

This week has been productive, I am almost done with reviewing and redoing all the cases from Core 1. Many concepts are slowly coming back, although I have not been doing as much review my flash cards as much as I wanted. I am slowly gaining confidence when writing.

I also noticed that Core 1 cases are easier than what I remember. Maybe because I am more familiar with the CPA way now or because I have a better understanding of technical, or a combination of both.

Week 4 also had a capstone 1 submission that was pretty stressful. I am a solo worker. While I enjoy collaboration in the workplace, when it comes to study I rather to go at my own speed. My study style might be very different to other’s since I have particular habits.  

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